Download Bootstrap Admin Template - Awesome Admin

Awesome Admin

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  • Responsive design works on phones, tablets, and desktops
  • Custom button colors (doesn't look like the typical, Bootstrap buttons you see everywhere else)
  • Built with Less (though not required)
  • Reporting Template
  • Charts with Flot (large, complex charts)
  • Charts with Peity (small, simple charts)
  • Alternate tab styles
  • Alternate pagination styles
  • Pricing charts (Multiple variations)
  • Custom gallery with animating layout and lightbox
  • Sign in/Sign up/Forgot password page
  • Mobile navigation
  • Custom FAQ and help page
  • Uses Font Awesome for icons

Custom controls

  • Full calendar
  • Dynamic data tables
  • Color picker
  • Time picker
  • Date picker
  • Country selector
  • States selector
  • Language selector
  • Time zone selector
  • Spinner
  • QR Codes
  • Live rich text editor
  • Alerts
  • Loading icons
  • Isotope advanced layouts (
  • And more!
Includes a static html site, as well as ERB templates and Less files.


  • 1.5 - Upgrade to Bootstrap 3. Added blog item page. Redesigned the blog listing page. Lots of small improvements, bug fixes, and polish.
  • 1.2 - Upgrade to latest Bootstrap, fixed broken links, fixed some IE8 issues