Download Bootstrap Admin Template - Be Pro - Bootstrap Admin Template

Be Pro - Bootstrap Admin Template

Be Pro – is a fully responsive admin template, based on Bootstrap3 Framework.
In downloaded package you will find LessCss files, that enables you to quickly customize the template and create you custom theme. This template gives you the ability to create powerful panels and dashboards for your project. Also it’s responsive, which means this is compatible with mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad.
Be Pro - is a Bootstrap admin theme, that contains with a lots of styled UI elements for your project.
Just check out the live preview, and don’t forget to visit all pages.
  • Fixed or Responsvie 4+ columns layout
  • Cross-browser compatible
  • Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
  • Retina ready
  • 40+ valid HTML pages
  • 35+ ready-to-use plugins
  • 15+ page samples
  • And much more…
Integrated plugins:
  • Bootstrap v3.2.0
  • jQuery v2.0.3:
  • jQuery UI v1.10.3
  • jQuery Bootstrap Wizard v1.0
  • jQuery X-editable v1.5.1
  • jQuery Chained v0.9.10
  • jQuery Cookies v2.2.0
  • jQuery Flot v0.7
  • jQuery Sparkline v2.1.2
  • jQuery CKEditor v4.0
  • jQuery NicEdit v0.9
  • jQuery DataTables v1.9.4
  • jQuery Daterangepicker v1.2
  • jQuery FancyBox v2.1.4
  • jQuery FullCalendar v1.6.1
  • jQuery Masked Input v1.3.1
  • jQuery Custom content scroller v2.8.2
  • jQuery Select2 v3.4.5
  • jQuery Inline Form Validation Engine v2.6.2(multi-language support)
  • jQuery Validation Plugin v1.11.1
  • jQuery MultiSelect v0.9.5
  • jQuery TagsInput
  • jQuery SyntaxHighlighter v.3.0.83
  • jQuery ickeck v0.9.1
  • jQuery Noty v2.0.3
  • jQuery iButton v1.0.03
  • jQuery File Tree v.1.01
  • jQuery Knob v1.2.0
  • jQuery Nestable Plugin
  • jQuery Summernote
  • List item
  • jVectorMap v1.2.2
  • elFinder v2.0
  • Plupload v1.5.7
  • CodeMirror v3.14
  • Dropzone
  • Rickshaw Charts
Interface elements
  • Header navigation buttons with popup and dropdown
  • Left side navigation, with unlimited collapsible levels
  • Page geading with breadcrumb line and right side elements
  • Lots of ready to use widgets
  • Styled buttons with features such as dropdown,sizes,custom colors etc.
  • Sliders and Progressbars. Also you will get Custom Progress Bar plugin
  • Styled Modals, Popups and alerts
  • Styled Tabs and accordions with features
  • Simple lists and lists with controls
  • Styled panels and custom blocks with controls
  • Two big packages of font icons GLYPHICONS and Font Awesome
  • Custom designed typography elements
  • Nestable list and Calendar
  • Unique ajax content system that gives you the ability to load content via ajax
Form elements:
  • Styled input fields with placeholder, readonly, disabled
  • Default and styled select,file,checkbox and radio buttons
  • Styled form elements for validation states
  • Select and multiselect with search
  • Tags input
  • Multi-select
  • Color picker plugin
  • iPhone style checkbox and radio buttons
  • Extending form controls(appends & preappends)
  • Form validation plugin
  • Masked input plugin
  • Form wizard plugin
  • WYSIWYG editor plugin
  • Code editor plugin
  • Datepicker, timepicker and combobox
Other features:
  • Simple and sortable tables with features
  • jQuery flot line, bar, stacked, pie, real-time update charts
  • jQuery Sparkline bar, line, pie, discrete charts
  • Rickshaw lineplot, lines, column, legend charts
  • Knob charts
  • Google maps API usage examples
  • jVectormap maps plugin
  • Calendar plugin with features
  • File manager and file uploader plugins
  • File tree plugin
Version 1.0:
  • Release
Version 1.1:
  • +10 new Themes
  • Minor changes in design
  • Minor bugs fixed