Adminer – Responsive Dashboard Template

Download Bootstrap Admin Templates

Adminer is a responsive admin dashboard template built with Twitter Bootstrap Framework

This dashboard template and it has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with jQuery plugins also.

Adminer can be used for applications (CMS, CRM, Custom Admin Application, Admin Dashboard). Adminer template works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and is any smart phone friendly.

Features :

Clean and Fully Responsive Design, works with multiple devices
4 Theme Colors
3 dashboard home page
Latest Bootstrap v3.2.0 Framework
Latest jQuery 1.10.2
Latest jQuery UI 1.9.2
53 HTML pages
Charts & Graphs (jQuery Flot, Morris Chart & Chart Js)
Knob (jquery knob)
Integrated Google Maps(jQuery GMaps)
Integrated Vector Maps of World, USA, Europe, Russia (jQuery JQVMap)
Integrated Data Tables(jQuery Data Tables)
Integrated Full Calendar(jQuery Full Calendar)
Custom Radio button, Checkbox and File Input (jQuery Uniform)
Bootstrap Toggle Buttons
Bootstrap Tree
jquery Nestable
Date, time, date range & color Picker(Bootstrap Date, time, range & color Picker)
WYSIWYG Editor(Bootstrap wysihtml5) and CKEditor
Inputmask (bootstrap inputmask)
form wizard (bootstrap wizard)
Custom Select Dropdown(Bootstrap Chosen)
Slider (JSlider)
Custom Scrollbar for vertical scrolling contents(jQuery Nice Scroll)
Multiple format of Data Tables
Notifications(jQuery Gritter)
Font Icons(Font Awesome 3.0)
Detailed Documentation
Well structured code