Sheldon - Awesome Bootstrap Theme

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Sheldon Features:

Most amazing user interface design ever made.
Lots of jquery slide blocks.
Blank page to build your own pages.
Wooden background.
Sidebar navigation menu and search box.
Sidebar menu supports icons and dropdown.
Mini blocks in sidebar like weather block, progress block, etc.,
Head bar shows the quick status with charts.
Big charts are based on jQuery Flot plugin.
Mini charts are based on jQuery sparklines plugin.
Knob chart are based on jQuery knob plugin.
All charts are fast and responsive and look perfect in all devices.
Home page has TV window like UI.
Quick widget section to disable or enable features like brightness, wifi, gps, etc.,
Mini quick post section.
Big map on home page shows the reports.
Below header there are three mini tables showing reports.
Go to top button on bottom right corner.
Quick status widget on right side.
Notification widget in left side shows messages, chats and users.
and many more...