Gebo Admin Responsive Template

Download Bootstrap Admin Templates

About Gebo Admin Template:

Gebo Admin is full featured, two column responsive template based on Bootstrap Framework from Twitter. It has lots of js plugins: charts, filterable/searchable list, calendar, multiselect, location finder, file manager, gallery grid, datatables, sticky messages, WYSIWG editor and many more.


Responsive two column layout (hideable sidebar)
Fixed top bar
Based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework
Location finder (Google Maps)
Custom search page
Charts (lines, bars, pies)
Datepicker, Timepicker
Image grid
2 icon sets (glyphicons & splashy icons)
Custom error page
Tables (static, dynamic, server side proccessing)
Notifications (sticky, modal boxes)
Responsive file explorer
WYSIWYG editor with integrated file explorer
Regular and extended form elements (sliders, progresbars, enchanced select elements, 2 column multiselect, styled form elements, masked inputs, tags handler and many more)
Tooltips (always visible in the viewport), Popovers
Bootstrap Javascript Plugins (modal, dropdown, tab, popover, collapse, typeahead, rowlink, fileupload with thumbnails)
Form Validation
Step by Step Wizard
Style Switcher