Avalon - Bootstrap Admin and Frontend

Download Bootstrap Themes & Templates

Avalon is a beautifully coded fully featured admin panel theme ready to be implemented in the back end of your application, as an intranet theme, or your next web application!

The theme has hundreds of layout combinations that makes it possible to arrange the theme however you want. Powered by the latest Bootstrap framework, it provides a clean and intuitive design that is focused on User Experience. The custom plugins included has been carefully customized to fit with the overall look of the theme, working seamlessly across browsers, tablets and phones.

Package Includes

Admin Theme
Frontend Theme
Landing Page
Responsive Email Templates


We are committed in providing continuous long-term support and more and more new features will be introduced in future releases. You are entitled to free download of all future updates from the first purchase! At present we are providing regular updates from the suggestions taken from our customers.

Plugins Used

  • Bootstrap 3.3.1
  • FontAwesome 4.2
  • Slider Revolution (Licensed copy - $14 Value)
  • Bootbox
  • Bootstrap Datepicker
  • Bootstrap DateTimepicker
  • Bootstrap Switch
  • Bootstrap Tabdrop
  • Bootstrap Timepicker
  • Bootstrap Touchspin
  • Bootstro.js
  • Code Prettifier
  • Datatables
  • Bootstrap Datepaginator
  • Dropzone
  • Bootstrap Duallistbox
  • Easypiechart
  • Autosize
  • CKEditor
  • Bootstrap Colorpicker
  • Bootstrap DateRangePicker
  • JasnyUpload
  • Bootstrap Markdown
  • Multiselect
  • Nestable
  • Bootsrap Pagedown
  • Bootstrap Tokenfield
  • Typeahead
  • jQuery Validation
  • X-Editable
  • FullCalendar
  • GridForms
  • Gmaps
  • iCheck
  • Ion.RangeSlider
  • jCrop
  • jQuery Editable
  • jQuery Fileupload
  • jQuery Mousewheel
  • jQuery Notific8
  • jQuery Gantt Chart
  • jQvmap
  • jsTree
  • and many more. .
All stock photos used are license-free from UI Faces and Unsplash