Appstart - Responsive Admin Theme

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Full feature list for appstart theme

Responsive design
3 columns layout (left sidebar, content, right sidebar)
Fully compatible with bootstrap 3.2.0
Fixed header, fixed sidebar, hidden sidebar
Integrated flot charts - Lines, bars, ordered bars, pie chart, with tooltips and autoupdate content
Jquery sparklines - bars, lines, pies
Form Elements
Text fields - with autofocus, predefined value, password metter, readonly and disabled fields, with tooltips, min and max lenght, help blocks, with icons, success input, warning input, error input, small height, large height, grid inputs, appended group, preapend group, with buttons, with dropdowns, tags, fileupload
Predefined width - input-mini, input-small, input-medium, input-large, input-xlarge
Masked inputs - Phone field, date field, ssn field, product key, eye script, percent
Textarea - Normal, elastic textarea, with input limit
Selects - Simple select, multiselect, simple select with filter (select2), multiselect with filter, Dual list boxs
Checkboxes - checked, unchecked, disabled, check all checkboxes, inline checkboxes
Radios - normal, disabled radio , inline radios
Switches - on/of, disabled states
Spinners - basic spinner, decimal spinner, curency spinner, time spinner
Pickers - Date and time picker, date range picker, color pickers, flat color pickers* Form Layouts - Horizontal form, vertical form, with group dividers ( group border), hoverstripped
Form Validation - required field, email field, min and max value field, password field, range field, url validation, date validation, number validation, text area, credit card validation, checkbox validation, file upload validation ( including size), select2 validation
Form wizard - wizard with steps (nice icons in steps), without steps, horizontal and vertical wizard, wizard with validation.
WYSIWYG editor - tinymce wysiwyg editor, in panel box, in modal
and many more...