Angulr - Bootstrap Admin Web App with AngularJS

Download Bootstrap Themes & Templates

  • Magic AngularJS
  • Powerful AngularUI
  • Popular Bootstrap 3
  • Nested routing
  • Nested views
  • Less CSS
  • Grunt tasks
  • Bower dependency management
  • International Translate
  • Save user settings
  • Note app
  • Contacts app
  • Lazy loading
  • Many jQuery plugins included
  • 70% of jQuery plugins can work 
  • without creating the directive
  • Multiple Layout options
  • Separated Html blocks


v.1.3.3—19 November 14
  • Added Music app view
  • Update angularJS to 1.3.2
  • Update angular-bootstrap to 0.12.0
  • Update angular-ui-router to 0.2.12
  • Update bootstrap to 3.3.0
  • Update angular-ui-calendar to latest
  • Update oclazyload to 0.5.0
  • Fix fullcalendar