INSPINIA - WebApp Admin Theme

Download Bootstrap Admin Template

INSPINIA - WebApp Admin Theme

INSPINIA Admin Theme is a premium admin dashboard template with flat design concept. It is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 3+ Framework, HTML5 and CSS3, Media query. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS or CRM.

We are release continuous long term updates and many new features will be coming soon in the near future updates. Once you purchased INSPINIA, you will be entitled to free download of all updates.

Static and AngularJS version

Inspinia theme includes two versions. One with all static html/css/js files that is great for any php, ruby or other programing language application. And AngularJS version that contains a number of controllers and directives written specifically to support angular framework. Angular version is writen with Opinionated AngularJS styleguide for teams. In project folder you will also find SeedProject It is an application skeleton for a typical AngularJS web app. You can use it to quickly bootstrap your angular webapp projects and dev environment for these projects.


  • Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
  • Built with new Bootstrap 3.2.0
  • Flat UI with clean aesthetic style
  • Many various components
  • Boxed View, Fluid view
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Responsive video
  • 5 different charts libraries
  • Animations CSS3
  • Various styles of tables
  • Well structured code
  • Dropzone file upload
  • Special Custom pages:
  • Timelnie
  • Mailbox, mail comppose and mail detail
  • File manager
  • Pin board with yellow notes
  • Invoice with ready print button
  • User profile
  • Project detail
  • Projects list
  • FAQ
  • Gallery
  • Lockscreen page
  • Login, register, error pages
  • Draggable panels
  • and many more...


  • Bootstrap css front-end framework.
  • jQuery fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
  • DataTables advanced interaction controls in any HTML table
  • DropzoneJS library that provides drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews
  • EasyPieChart plugin to render and animate nice pie charts with the HTML5 canvas element
  • Fancbox tool for displaying images, html content and multi-media in a Mac-style "lightbox"
  • Flot simple but powerful chart plugin
  • FullCalendar is a jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar
  • Gritter Notification plugin
  • iCheck Custom radio and checkbox buttons
  • IonRangeSlider Easy and light range slider plugin
  • Jasny additional components for bootstrap framework.
  • Jeditable Edit In Place Plugin For jQuery
  • jQueryUI set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery
  • bootstrapdatepicker datepicker
  • Chosen plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly
  • jsKnob Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial.
  • metisMenu Easy menu jQuery plugin for Twitter bootstrap
  • Morris.js good-looking charts library
  • nouislider Lightweight javascript range slider
  • Pace Automatic page load progress bar
  • Peity simple jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple <svg> mini, pie, line or bar chart
  • Rickshaw toolkit for creating interactive time series graphs
  • Sparkline jQuery inline chart library
  • Steps smart UI component which allows you to easily create wizard-like interfaces
  • Summernote Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap
  • Switchery simple component that turn default HTML checkbox inputs into iOS 7 style switches.
  • Validation jQuery Validation Plugin
  • jvectormap Java Script pluggin for vector maps
  • Unsplash all images from Unsplash - Free hi-resolution photos
  • UiFaces all avatar faces from UiFaces
  • UIrouter Angular solution to flexible routing with nested views
  • UICalendar Directive for FullCalendar
  • UIBootstrap Bootstrap directives for Angular
  • Knob jsKnob directive for angular
  • NgSwitchery Switchery input style for angular
  • AngularPeity Peity chart directive
  • NgEasyPieChart Easy Pie chart directive
  • AngularFlot Flot chart directive
  • AngularRickshaw Rickshaw chart directive
  • AngularSummernote Summernote directive for Angular
  • AngularNouiSlider NouiSlider directive for Angular
  • AngularDatapicker Data picker directive
  • AngularDatatables DataTables directive for Angular
  • AngularSelect Chosen plugin directive
  • AngularChartJS ChartJs directive for Angular

Change Log

Version 1.5
  • AngularJS version!
  • SASS files
  • Fixed Sidebar
  • Video responsive
  • ChartJS
  • Improvements for css/less/sass style
  • Upgrade Font Awesome 4.2
  • Upgrade jQuery 2.1

Version 1.4
  • Update Bootstrap to 3.2.0
  • Add new Dashboard 3
  • Add Footer (normal, fixed)
  • Add new project list view
  • Add new project detail view
  • Add new FAQ view
  • Update dragdrop panels view
  • Fixed minor bugs reported by users

Version 1.3.1
  • LESS files added
  • 3 new color theme
  • Top navbar option
  • Improvements for mobile and tablet devices
  • Smoothly transition effect in sidebar
  • Fixed minor bugs reported by users

Version 1.2
  • Dashboard v.2 added
  • Timeline redesigned

Version 1.1
  • Widgets page added

Version 1.0
  • Initial released

In progress
  • Horizontal menu
  • Upgrade to Angular 1.3 version
  • Frot-end website
  • Jquery Grid
  • Forum views
  • Voice api
  • Code editor
  • Google maps
  • Nestable list
  • Chat view
  • Email template