Download Bootstrap Admin Template - SoftAdmin - Responsive Admin Template

SoftAdmin - Responsive Admin Template

Currently on sale at 50% off!!!
Soft Admin is a full responsive template for administrators that prides itself on being lightweight and easy on the eyes. Based on Bootstrap 3, Soft Admin was written and designed by an experienced software engineer and user-interface designer.
HTML Example Pages
  • Dashboard
  • Typography
  • Charts
  • Widgets
  • Alerts & Notifications
  • Tabs & Accordions
  • Buttons & Icons
  • Gallery
  • Basic Form Elements
  • Advanced Form Elements
  • WYSIWYG Form
  • Form Validation
  • Static Tables
  • Dynamic Tables
  • Storyboard
  • Calendar
  • Maps
  • Login
  • FAQ
  • Grid
  • 404 Error
  • Invoice
  • More to come...!
  • Responsive design, supports cross-browser compatibility and mobile use
  • Bootstrap 3.1.1
  • Font Awesome 4.0.3
  • jQuery 1.10.2
  • jQuery UI 1.10.2
  • Charting (Flot, Sparklines, Morris)
  • Dynamic Tables (Datatables)
  • Calendar (FullCalendar)
  • Bootstrap Colorpicker
  • Bootstrap Datepicker
  • Google Maps (Customized info-windows, markers, charts, styles)
  • Google Geo Maps (Map charts)
  • Notifications (jGrowl)
  • Login Page (Custom designed example page, multiple backgrounds)
  • Gallery (Colorbox, custom controls)
  • Dynamic Form Select (Select2)
  • Auto-complete Search (Typeahead)
  • Bootstrap WYSIWYG (Summernote)
  • Form Validation (bootstrapValidator)
  • Switches (switchButton)
  • Knobs (jQuery Knob)
  • 3 Admin Color Styles
Exclusive Features
  • Soft Widgets (Lightweight, exclusively for Soft Admin)
  • Soft Storyboard (Lightweight, exclusively for Soft Admin)
Browser Support
  • IE 9+
  • Chrome (Latest)
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari (mobile & browser)
1.0 (Released)

Download Bootstrap Admin Template - Legend - A Huge Admin Template

Legend - A Huge Admin Template

Nice eh?


Announcing our huge admin theme - Legend! The pantheon of all time great themes!
Sleek, simple, modern design, yet packed to the brim with extras ~ in fact much more than you can possibly need!
Legend will show your business off to its full potential.
Fully responsive, clean bootstrap template for creative businesses!
Take your business to the next level ~ Present it using the Legend template!
Built with Less and Css
Nice eh?
Includes Light Documentation
As an extra it also includes 3 Email Templates
Nice eh?
Includes over 94 pages!!!


  • 3dbuttons.html
  • 403.html
  • 404.html
  • 405.html
  • 500.html
  • 503.html
  • biccalendar.html
  • blank.html
  • blog.html
  • blogpost.html
  • bootstrapalerts.html
  • bootstrapmultiselect.html
  • bootstrapselect.html
  • bootstraptokenfield.html
  • browserrejection.html
  • buttons.html
  • charts.html
  • charts2.html
  • charts3.html
  • chosen.html
  • colorpicker.html
  • comingsoon.html
  • components.html
  • contact.html
  • creativebuttons.html
  • datatables.html
  • datetimepicker.html
  • dragwidgets.html
  • dropzone.html
  • fontawesome.html
  • formcomponents.html
  • fueluxwizard.html
  • fullcalendar.html
  • gallery.html
  • glyphicons.html
  • googlemaps.html
  • grid.html
  • humanealerts.html
  • icheck.html
  • inbox.html
  • index.html
  • inputfilestyle.html
  • invoice.html
  • ionsoundalerts.html
  • jansyfileupload.html
  • jqrangeslider.html
  • jqueryui.html
  • jqueryuislider.html
  • jwizard.html
  • laddabootstrap.html
  • leftmenu.html
  • lightbox.html
  • lockscreen.html
  • login.html
  • maintenance.html
  • markdown.html
  • mediumeditor.html
  • messengeralerts.html
  • modernbuttons.html
  • news.html
  • newsarticle.html
  • nouislider.html
  • photogrid.html
  • pictonicons.html
  • pinesalerts.html
  • pricingtables.html
  • profile.html
  • raphaelicons.html
  • readmessage.html
  • register.html
  • rightmenu.html
  • searchresults.html
  • select2.html
  • selectboxit.html
  • socialbootstrap.html
  • stepswizard.html
  • summernote.html
  • tables.html
  • tagmanager.html
  • themeicons.html
  • tinymce.html
  • toastralerts.html
  • toggles.html
  • topmenu.html
  • topmenufixed.html
  • treeview.html
  • typicons.html
  • typography.html
  • validation.html
  • vectormaps.html
  • vexalerts.html
  • widgets.html
  • writemessage.html
  • wysihtml5.html
  • xeditable.html

Scripts/Plugins Included

  • 3dbutton
  • Bootstrap Acknowledgeinput
  • Textarea Autosize
  • Backstretch
  • Bic Calendar
  • BlueImp
  • Bootstrap Alerts
  • Bootstrap Datatables
  • Bootstrap Filestyle
  • Bootstrap Maxlength
  • Bootstrap Modal
  • Bootstrap Multiselect
  • Bootstrap Select
  • Bootstrap Switch
  • Bootstrap Tokenfield
  • Bootstrap Ui
  • Boxer
  • Chosen
  • Bootstrap Clockface
  • Bootstrap Colorpalette
  • Colorpicker
  • Color Picker Sliders
  • Counter
  • Creative Buttons
  • Date Range Picker
  • Date Time Picker
  • Dropzone
  • Easy Piechart
  • fdslider
  • Flot Charts
  • Font Awesome
  • fseditor
  • Fuelux
  • Full Calendar
  • gMaps
  • Happy
  • Humane
  • iCheck
  • ionSound
  • Jasny File Upload
  • jQuery Addresspicker
  • jQuery Grid Bootstrap
  • jQuery Nestable
  • jQuery Range Slider
  • jjQuery Vectormap
  • jReject
  • jWizard
  • knob
  • Ladda Bootstrap
  • Markdown
  • Medium
  • Messenger
  • Modern Buttons
  • No Ui Slider
  • Owl Carousel
  • Photoset Grid
  • Pictonic Icons
  • Pines Notifications
  • Prism
  • Rainyday
  • Raphael Icons
  • Select2
  • SelectBoxIt
  • Skycons
  • Social Bootstrap Buttons
  • Sparkline
  • Spin
  • Steps Wizard
  • Summernote
  • Swipebox
  • Tablecloth
  • Tagmanager
  • tinyMCE
  • Toastr
  • Bootstrap Typeahead
  • typicons icons
  • Vex Dialog
  • wysihtml5
  • xCharts
  • xEditable

Change Log

1.1 Added URI scheme to jQuery include

Download Bootstrap Admin Template - Curo - Admin Template

Curo - Admin Template

Curo Admin is a fully responsive admin template built with the Bootstrap 3 framework. It uses jQuery for interactivity and comes packed with a wide variety of reusable components and elements. It has been designed to work great with all screen sizes, providing the same functionality through different but similar layouts.
alt text

Change Log

  • Minor changes to nav.js
  • Added option for dark sidebar navigation
  • Added toast notification using toastr
  • Added Google Maps using Gmap3
  • Added Vector Maps using jVector Maps


  • Fully Responsive
  • Built with Bootstrap 3.2.0
  • jQuery
  • 6 Theme Skins
  • 35 pages including pages such as Email, Chat, Forget Login, Login, Register, Error Pages and Timeline
  • Responsive Graphs/Charts
  • Calendar
  • Custom Widgets
  • Data Tables
  • Font Awesome 4.1.0 Icons
  • Ionicon Icons
  • Account Settings and User Profile Page
  • Documentation



For each external resource used in this template, the author has given credit inside the documentation.
If you have any questions, bug reports, or suggestions, feel free to contact me through my profile page.

Download Bootstrap Admin Template - Theorem - Bootstrap Admin Interface

Theorem - Bootstrap Admin Interface

Theorem - Bootstrap Admin Interface


  • Includes every single component from Bootstrap
  • Front-end and back-end compatible
  • More than 30 custom components
  • Fully fleshed style-guide with copyable examples
  • Modular LESS/CSS
  • Color palette with primary, secondary, tertiary, and shades swatches
  • Switch border-radius, gradients, shadows, etc. via LESS variables
  • Create new pages and/or components based on re-usable modules
  • More pages/components coming soon
  • Send suggestions to @Graphikaria


Extra scripts:

Download admin template - Bootstrap 3 - Flatty - Flat Administration Template

Flatty - Flat Administration Template


Flatty v2.2 - Twitter Bootstrap 3

Flatty is fully responsive template used to make your administration more beautiful. Flat design is the latest trend in webdesign and you find all beauties of this trend in this Twitter Bootstrap template. Difficult things in your application will look more easier thanks to Flatty user interface.


Comes with support for

Each programming language or framework - You can use Flatty template with any programming language or framework in the world!
Ruby on Rails - Easy integration with Ruby on Rails framework. Asset path helpers are used in stylesheets, so implementation could not be easier. Ruby on Rails 3 and Ruby on Rails 4 ready!
Sass - Built with Sass - because Sass makes CSS fun again. You can customize all Flatty features easily with Sass variables and well-aranged code.
Compass - Integrating Flatty to your project with Compass will make you save a lot of time! Compass is offering dozens of usefull features...

Some key features

  • Responsive - Flatty will adapt to any screen - from TV to mobile.
  • Bootstrap 3 - Based on popular Twitter Bootstrap 3.
  • Flat design - Very popular design trend.
  • Ruby on Rails ready - Flatty will work out of box with your Ruby on Rails.
  • 42 color schemes - Multiple contrast colors (red, blue, green...) and main themes (light, dark, dark blue).
  • Retina ready - Flatty includes ultra sharp graphics for retina screen.
  • Icons - Font Awesome integration with 361 icons!
  • Documentation - Extensive documentation which simply helps you.
  • Support - Fast, free and outstanding online support.
  • Examples pages - invoice, gallery, timeline, pricing tables, user profile, 404 and 500 error, sign in/sign up/forgot password, FAQ, orders, search results
  • Email templates - confirmation, newsletter, password reset
  • 4 level vertical dropdown
  • Todo lists, chats, recent activities widgets
  • Calendar
  • Various charts
  • Select2 for better selects, color pickers, date pickers
  • Autosizing textareas, character counter, masked inputs
  • Password strength meter
  • Form validators
  • Form wizard
  • Country flags
  • Address book
  • Inplace editing, file trees, file upload plugin
  • WYSIWYG editors
  • Datatables, responsive tables
  • Many more...


You can take a look at documentation here.

Free updates

Once you bought Flatty, you'll get all future updates for free! You'll always stay up to date.

What's coming in the future updates?

In the case of your interest for new feature please send me an email with your wishes and I'll try to satisfy your request.
Next updates will include:
  • Several extensions and tweaks
  • Additions of example pages (user profile, ecommerce section, messages center, ...)
  • RTL support
  • And much more UI improvements...


2.2 (Newest version)
  • Bootstrap 3 update
  • Better touch support
  • Asset organization cleanup
  • Improved gallery, error pages, sign in, and...
  • Updated plugins
  • HTML/CSS fixed
  • Performance tweaks
2.1 (20. August, 2013)
  • Improved documentation - you can take a look here.
  • Added Compass stylesheets
  • Major asset reorganization and improvements
  • Fixed some SASS and Ruby on Rails bugs
  • Improved Ruby on Rails version
  • HTML/CSS fixes
  • JS improvements and fixes
  • Font Awesome icons update
2.0 (19. June, 2013)
  • Template was completely redesigned
  • Main navigation toggling
  • Multilevel dropdown in main navigation
  • Todo lists
  • Recent activities
  • Chats
  • Tweaked calendar
  • Character counter
  • Validators
  • Password strength
  • CKEditor
  • Form wizard
  • Various widgets (collapsed, colored, small header, toolbar)
  • Updated Font Awesome to 3.1.1
  • Updated Bootstrap to 2.3.2
  • Fixed header, fixed main navigation
  • Country flags
  • Address book
  • Filetrees
  • Improved Inplace editing
  • Improved datatables
  • Example pages (invoice, gallery, timeline, pricing tables, user profile, 404/500 errors, sign in/sign up/forgot password, search results, blank
  • Various layouts
  • More contrast and background colors
  • Email templates (newsletter, confirmation, reset)
  • Documentation
  • Many more...
1.0.1 (15. April, 2013)
  • Dropdown in main navigation
  • Improved font contrast in main navigation
  • Included SASS files
1.0.0 (1. April, 2013)
  • Initial release

Download Bootstrap Admin Template - Perfectum - Responsive Admin Template

Perfectum - Responsive Admin Template

Perfectum Dashboard - Admin Template

Perfectum Dashboard is a fully featured, premium, Bootstrap Admin Template. Pefectum based on Bootstrap 3.0.3 from Twitter. It works on all major browsers and optimizes itself for tablets and mobile phones.

What people say about Perfectum Dashboard

This is honestly brilliantly designed. Incredible work to whomever did this, really. - JacksonGariety
This is really fantastic. Amazing work. - streblo
Impressed at how good this looks on mobile - enigmabomb
that would be PERFECT to have a dashboard like this on wordpress :) - sloyan

Main Features

  1. Built on Bootstrap 3.0.3 (Works with older versions)
  2. Responsive Design, works on: Desktops, Tablet Devices, Mobile Devices
  3. Progress Bars
  4. Breadcrumbs
  5. Modal
  6. Pagination
  7. Buttons
  8. Tables
  9. Sliders
  10. Date Picker
  11. Charts
  12. Notifications
  13. Many More


  1. Latest Chrome
  2. Latest Safari
  3. Firefox 4+
  4. Opera
  5. Internet Explorer 8+


  • Change Bootstrap version to 2.2.1
  • Fixed Login Form display problems
  • Fixed display problems in big screens
  • Fixed Internet Explorer Bugs
  • Change Bootstrap version to 2.2.2
  • Fixed some IE problems
  • Change Bootstrap version to 2.3.0
  • Change jQuery version to 1.9.1
  • Change jQuery Uniform to version 2.0
  • Change jQuery UI to version 1.10.0
  • Added jQuery Migrate 1.0.0 to support scripts using not supported in jQuery 1.9.1 function $.browser.
  • Change jQuery Sparkline to version 2.1.1
  • Fixed jQuery UI Mobile Devices issues
  • Fixed Internet Explorer 10 problems
  • Added dropdown menu
  • Change Bootstrap version to 2.3.1
  • Based on Bootstrap 3.0.3
  • Write with LESS
  • Added datepicker
  • Added timepicker
  • Added colorpicker
  • Added daterangepicker
  • Added bootstrap wysiwyg

Download Bootstrap Admin Template - Simplify - Responsive Admin Template

Simplify - Responsive Admin Template

Simplify Admin is a fully responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 3.2 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3.
Simplify Admin


  • Build with bootstrap3
  • Responsive Design
  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • Build with LESS
  • Flat UI with clean design
  • Many components
  • Cross-browser compatible

HTML pages including:

  • Dashboard
  • UI Elements
  • Button and Icons
  • Tab
  • Nestable list
  • Calendar
  • Table
  • Widget
  • Form Element
  • Form validation and Wizard
  • Login
  • Register
  • Profile
  • Blog
  • Single Post
  • Landing
  • Pricing Table
  • Invoice
  • Error 404
  • Timeline
  • Gallery
  • Inbox
  • Lock Screen


If your have any problems, bugs, issues or requests, feel free to send us a message with your suggestions and we will consider adding it to next updates.

Change Log

  • Initial release

Plugins include

Flickr Photos

All images viewed in the live preview are for demo purposes only and are not included with your purchase. All images are licensed under - Creative Commons - Attribution 2.0 Generic.